Utilizing by-products to manage feed costs and maximizing the return on the dairy producer’s investment has led to growing, mutually beneficial partnerships between BEST Agri-Marketing and other food producers.
By-products that were once considered a disposal nuisance are now an unexpected source of revenue. We save the manufacturer money collecting and recycling his edible cast-offs, we keep perfectly good animal feed stuffs out of landfills and we save the farmer money, by delivering product directly to him, eliminating the middle man.
Our by-product services are in such demand that they are a major focus for BEST Agri-Marketing. As we handle an increasing number of contracts for by-product removal, we are always on the lookout for new sources of by-products that can be used as livestock feed.
Seasonally Available By-Products:
Citrus Pulp
Raisins/Raisin By-Product
Pressed Apple
Brandy Pomace
Cull Citrus
Cull Vegetables
Cull Fruit: Cull Figs, Prunes
Cull Onion, Potatoes, Garlic
Ground Corn
Ground Grains
Mixed Feed Products
Pressed Fruit
Rice By-Products
Tomato Pomace